
"The Gospel Made Simple" is a bible study of 40 chapters that explains the most critical aspects of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The discipleship training program is designed to take 40 days to complete, and approximately 3-4 hours per day. It covers material from various ministries and cover many basic aspects of the Christian Faith in order to help people to grow exceptionally fast in their walk with Jesus.

This is not a Bible course that just teaches you Bible knowledge. The purpose of this course is to instruct you FROM God’s Word and help you BECOME what God designed you to be. Not only to teach you to do certain things, but to become what you were designed for from the beginning (transformation Rom 12:2).

Because Adam separated us from God, all people are born separated from God (Rom 3:23, Rom 5:12-19, Eph 2:3, Ps 51:5). Therefore, from our birth, the devil has the power to corrupt us further, through:
- Bad experiences, attacks against you and distractions.
- Fear, rejection, lack of love, confusion, depression, etc.

When taken seriously and acted upon, this course is guaranteed to direct you to become what God designed you to be through the New Birth:
- To be love (1Jn 4:17 - As He is [God is Love], so are we in this world)
- To be free (Jn 8:36 - The Son shall set you free)
- To be strong (Eph 6:10 - Be strong in the Lord)
- To have abundance of life (Jn 10:10 - Jesus gives abundant life)
- To be at rest (Mt 11:28 - come to Me,.. I will give you rest)
- To be a discipler and teacher (Mt 28:19-20)

The Gospel Made Simple booklet can be downloaded by selecting the link below (there is currently a major upgrade to course, we hope it will be done by early 2015):

Below is the theoretical part of the discipleship program:
Click here: Download program